How To Design A Great Podcast Cover Art To Maximize First Impression?

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How To Design A Great Podcast Cover Art To Maximize First Impression?

Podcasts can boost your exposure if you use them right.

In addition to choosing good content, you need a great artwork for your podcast. And it has many advantages like giving a visual impact to the content and having first impression over the targeted audiences.

There are over 7 million podcasts on iTunes and other platforms and they all will look similar, if they don’t have any artwork. With artwork, you can attract eyeballs and convey the right message to encourage the viewers to listen to the podcast.

So, how can you create a great artwork for your podcast….


  • The first thing is to understand the subject you are working on and know your audiences for whom the podcast is made thoroughly. Understanding on subject like books would help in choosing a theme and knowing the audiences like their age, gender and needs will guide in making a perfect artwork for your podcast.

  • The page dimension on which the viewers will see the podcast should be kept in mind right from the beginning. The artwork should fit decently on every screen size from a desktop to a mobile so that viewers can soak in the view and want to get immersed in the content.

  • Try keeping things as simple as possible because inserting complex elements like geometric designs could distract the viewers from getting the message.

  • Create a magic with colors. And there are many options available like contrasting colors. Check how others are doing and try creating a difference to your
    artwork with the help of colors.

  • And never forget to add an image of the host, if your podcast host is a well-known face or you want to make him a celebrity. If he is a famous person, his image will get attention.

  • Your podcast is an extension of your brand. So, whatever you do, it will have a long-lasting impact on your brand. For example, National Geographic podcast always comes with its logo.

  • Some visuals have become common to podcasts because everyone uses them. But you should try doing without these visuals. These are microphones, headsets, mics and earphones.

  • Finally, it is the text matter of the artwork, and it has to be clearly visible and legible. You need to be very careful in selection fonts for texts. And here you should avoid using too many fonts to highlight the text matter.