How to manage multiple influencers at scale: Our top tips

Brands are all about influencer marketing nowadays, which means that they are managing more than one influencer campaign at a time. This can be great for sales and marketing ROI, but a real hassle for marketers that need to keep track of various campaign data. If the marketer is managing the data in a spreadsheet or presentation, it can be a daunting process to keep track of it all!

That’s why we’re presenting you with our top tips for managing a number of influencers at scale:

1. Make sure that you take stock of all your influencers

The first step, before we get to the exciting techy bits, are about taking stock of your influencer teams. What kind of influencers are working with you on your campaigns? Are they celebrity influencers, sports influencers, podcasters, bloggers or affiliates? What kinds of relationships do you have with these influencers and how can you streamline them? Once you get a grasp on all of the different influencer campaigns you’re managing, then it’s time to start looking into a solution that can help you manage them all. 

2. Get influencer management support

Once you have all your influencers in a row, get an influencer management support solution on-board, like IMAI’s smart AI-based influencer marketing platform that will discover, contact and contract influencers all in one fell swoop. The solution can give you a really long and detailed list of influencer prospects based on the requirements of your campaign, allow you to easily and simply organize all of the details about each influencer that you choose to work with, keep all of the campaign briefs, contracts and business aspects organized, and make sure that you have your eyes on all of the campaign data for tracking and reporting purposes. 

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3. Recruit, recruit, recruit

Who wants to spend hours researching potential influencer partners when you can get a solution that will recruit influencers for you? Working with a solution like IMAI’s, you can identify the best influencers for your campaign based on buyer personas, compare influencer audience and performance data, keep track of offers to influencers and identify similar or “lookalike” influencers who could also contribute to the campaign.

4. Awesome campaign management

One of the hardest aspects to pin down in influencer campaigns is managing all of the content and different messaging for each of the influencers, platforms, and audiences. That’s why working with a tech solution to manage campaign briefs and content distribution can be super helpful and cut down on a lot of time going through emails, documents, and WhatsApp messages to find what content plan was agreed upon with each influencer. What’s more, IMAI’s platform allows you to immediately track the performance of each piece of content that the influencer puts out there.

Working with multiple influencers is a big step for your brand, but could be a pain for you and your team if you’re not managing the process right. Make sure to get a killer influencer marketing tech solution on your side before you go any further and save yourself a lot of extra work and headache!