Top Ten Sport Influencers


Like every Sunday, today we’re giving you a taste of our influencer identification technology capabilities by showing you our weekly “TOP TEN”.

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Utilizing sports and fitness influencers can be an excellent way for brands to reach the right audience, no matter the industry. The reason? Athletes have broad appeal. ??

In sports, there are influencers who have achieved true celebrity status through excelling in the sport they play and have become household names. For example, professional footballer Cristiano Ronaldo ⚽️, the professional tennis player Serena Williams ?, or the professional boxer Floyd Mayweather ?. But, if you’re a smaller brand or one that’s just starting out, you’re probably not going to be able to bring on someone like them to do influencer marketing for your brand. This is why this article will cover a list of top 10 sports influencers in niche markets such as; yoga, surfing, tennis, soccer, and more- who don’t yet carry the authority of celebrity influencers but who do have strong influence capabilities.