Unlock the Power of Social Listening for Influencer Marketing

If you’re looking to launch an influencer marketing campaign, then you need to master the art of “social listening”. Social listening involves closely monitoring content and conversations across social media in order to identify important trends, hot topics, and even potential influencers.


The importance of social listening


Although there are a number of manual ways to do this, such as searching and tracking hashtags, the most successful influencer campaigns leverage social listening tools. These tools provide a more comprehensive and analytical overview of the conversations taking place on social media, making it easier to find influencers who align with your brand.

When using a social listening tool, you should first set up a “listening” keyword. This keyword should be related to your brand or campaign so that the tool only picks up relevant content and conversations. From there, you can set up filters to narrow down your results, and customize your search to target specific influencers.

Once you have your listening setup and filters in place, your social listening tool should be able to generate comprehensive reports that provide real-time insights into the content and conversations taking place across social media. From these reports, you can identify potential influencers who perfectly align with your brand and campaigns.

The last step is to reach out to these influencers and negotiate a partnership. Most social listening tools will allow you to export the data in an Excel spreadsheet, making it easy to contact influencers only relevant to your brand.

Overall, using a social listening tool is essential for any successful influencer marketing campaign. With the right tool and setup, you should be able to quickly identify the perfect influencers for your brand.





Social listening with IMAI


IMAI’s social listening tool is a powerful way to discover relevant conversations that are happening online about a brand, product, or topic. This tool provides real-time insights that can be used to inform marketing strategies and optimize content. With it, users can uncover the top posts related to their brand, keep track of competitor activities and benchmark performance, find influencers working with certain brands, and gain insights into customer behavior.

The tool allows users to monitor keywords and hashtags, as well as URLs. This allows them to see which posts are performing well in terms of engagement, what topics are popular, and which influencers are mentioning the brand or topic. Users can also view the demographics of the users engaging with the posts, providing valuable insights into what kind of content resonates with that target audience.

The tool’s insights can be used to inform content creation, adjust marketing strategies, and more. With this valuable information, users are able to tailor their messaging, reach the right audience, and successfully engage with potential customers. By leveraging the data, users can gain knowledge about the industry, create sharpened messages, and better understand their competitors’ activities. Ultimately, IMAI’s social listening tool can be an invaluable tool for gaining valuable insights and informing strategy.



How Imai’s Social Listening Works


Imai is a social listening platform that enables businesses to monitor, analyze and manage the conversations taking place around their brand. It allows companies to track usergenerated content, such as tweets, Facebook posts, blog posts, and more, in realtime. With Imai‘s powerful algorithms and machine learning capabilities, companies are able to gain valuable insights into their market, their customers, and their competition.

Imai begins by gathering data from any and all sources relevant to the company: blogs, forums, news sites, and social media. It then analyzes this data by considering the frequency, type, context, and sentiment of the content, as well as its origin. Its algorithms then combine this analysis with demographic and psychographic data to draw meaningful conclusions about user behavior and audience trends.

Imai‘s comprehensive analysis of the data helps brands better understand their market, customer feedback, and the impact of their marketing campaigns. It also supports firms in making more informed datadriven decisions, based on uptodate customer insights. For example, businesses can use Imai to identify who is talking about their brand, what content appeals most to them, and which type of messaging works best. Brands also have the means to respond to customer feedback quickly, with relevant customer service strategies and content marketing strategies.

The platform also enables users to easily evaluate competitor performance. Businesses can track their competitors’ posts, their engagement levels, and the content that resonates best with the audience. Companies can then use this information to boost their own campaigns and strategy.




Frequently asked questions about Imai’s Social Listing


Q1: What is Imai‘s Social Listing?

A1: Imai‘s Social Listing is a subscriptionbased web and mobile directory of friends, family, businesses, and other organizations. It provides you with an uptodate and comprehensive list of contacts, along with tools for staying in touch with them.


Q2: What are the benefits of using Imai‘s Social Listing?

A2: Imai‘s Social Listing offers a wide array of features to help you stay connected with people and organizations. It allows you to manage contact information, stay uptodate with their current activities, and message and share with them. Additionally, it offers a variety of cloudbased solutions to enrich your communication experience.


Q3: What kind of contact information can I manage on Imai‘s Social Listing?

A3: Imai‘s Social Listing allows you to manage a wide range of contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, physical addresses, and social media credentials.


Q4: Can I sync my lists with other online services?

A4: Yes, Imai‘s Social Listing provides users with convenient integrations with other online tools such as Gmail, iCloud, Dropbox, and other popular applications.