Why Does Facebook support Group Marketing and Why Influencers Love It? 


Why Does Facebook support Group Marketing and Why Influencers Love It

Following the latest update by Facebook, businesses have started group marketing. The social media giant has just updated its algorithm to favor groups with maximum active users. In simple words, group posts appear higher in the feeds.

So, what is a group on Facebook….

It is a community of Facebook users, and people love the community feeling. Also, groups boost interaction with brands. There are over 10 million groups on Facebook, and they have over 1.4 billion active monthly users.

Before you make an opinion on involving Facebook group marketing in your strategy, you should join a group to and try engaging users with your posts. You will find that group posting has amazing user engagement.

Still need reasons to start group marketing on Facebook….

  1. Favorable algorithm

The new algorithm favors groups in Facebook and if you can make your group more interesting with relevant comments and insightful remarks, Facebook will take your group as a family and your posts will get higher placement in the feed.

  1. Likeminded people

Users join a group because they share the same thinking, taste and passion. And you can easily convert your group members into loyal customers by educating them about the advantages of your business.

  1. Strengthen customer relationship

A group can work like a platform to interact with potential customers; understand their pain points and delight them with your online tutorials. You can ask for feedback that you can use to improve your customer service.

  1. Community building

With like-minded people in the group, you can build a strong community where you can encourage healthy dialogue and shift the group-themefrom personal to community.And this transition will give a personal touch to your brand. In the long run, this transition will build trust of your brand.

Also, you can look for tips for group marketing on Facebook

For example….

  • Avoid making purely promotional tips
  • No post without context
  • No inflammatory speech
  • Respect privacy of your followers
  • Interact positively with group members

Setting your business goal in advance will help in getting maximum traction from your group. The goal could be educating customers about a specific product or to boost your client service. Also, you should optimize your posts for maximum engagement. According to Facebook data, morning to afternoon is the best time to make Facebook posts on weekdays.