Top 3 Pleasanton Children & Baby Instagram Influencers of 2023: Our Best Picks for Toys

Welcome, fellow parents! Are you searching for the perfect gift for your little ones — something that will engage, amuse, and that they’ll love forever? We know, it’s quite a challenge! But don’t worry — because, today, we’re bringing you our top three picks of Pleasanton’s hottest children’s and baby Instagram influencers of 2023. These influencers make shopping for your children’s entertainment a breeze.

With their tried-and-true picks and ideas, you’re sure to find the perfect toy that your kids will love!

Top 3 toys, children & baby Instagram influencers from Pleasanton:

1. Meadowlark Drive-Thru Dairy – @meadowlarkdairy

Meadowlark Drive-Thru Dairy from Pleasanton is an Instagram influencer focused on toys, children and baby topics. They have 27,987 followers, a post engagement rate of 3.06%, and an average of 857 engagements per post.

On TikTok, their posts average 2789 views each.

Followers: 27,987

Engagement rate: 3.06%

Avg. engagement: 857

2. connor perez – @_connorperez_

Connor Perez is an Instagram influencer from Pleasanton, California known for their content surrounding toys, children, and baby needs. With over 1,823 average views and 2789 average engagements per post on TikTok and a 34.34% engagement rate on Instagram posts, Connor is a highly engaged and influential presence in their field.

Followers: 1,823

Engagement rate: 34.34%

Avg. engagement: 626

3. ABBEY – @abbeyheinemann

ABBEY is an Instagram influencer from Pleasanton, California. Known by the username abbeyheinemann, they have an average of 1,640 views per TikTok and 567 average engagements per post with a 34.57% engagement rate.

Their focus is on toys, children, and baby-related topics.

Followers: 1,640

Engagement rate: 34.57%

Avg. engagement: 567

All in All:

As parents, we all want what’s best for our children, and when it comes to selecting toys for them, we should always make sure we’re choosing ones that won’t just be enjoyable in the present moment, but that can also help them learn and grow. As the followers of these Pleasanton Children & Baby Instagram Influencers of 2023 are well aware, these top picks can offer your little ones all the enjoyment and enrichment they need, and help foster the development that will help them grow into successful and creative individuals.

Thanks to this invaluable insight, your kids will be well-equipped to explore their passion and find happiness along the way.