Discover Tempe’s Top 3 Fitness and Yoga Influencers to Follow on Instagram in 2023 – IMAI

Are you looking for some inspiration to finally start your fitness journey? Well, look no further! Tempe, Arizona is home to some of the most amazing fitness & yoga influencers on Instagram. They’re not only dedicated to healthy living but also have a unique style that can motivate you to reach your fitness goals.

We’ve compiled a list of the top three fitness & yoga Instagram influencers from Tempe that you need to follow in 2023. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, these influencers have got you covered with their innovative routines and expert advice.

Get ready to transform your fitness regimen and change your life forever!

Top 3 fitness & yoga Instagram influencers from Tempe:

1. Jacob Delara – @the.brinkz

Jacob Delara is a well-known fitness and yoga influencer on Instagram. He is based in Tempe and goes by the username the.brinkz. With a following of 124,983, Jacob has built a strong community of fitness enthusiasts and yoga lovers that look to him for inspiration and guidance.

On TikTok, Jacob garners an average of 1881 views per post, which is a testament to his popularity on the platform.

Jacob’s Instagram posts and stories regularly receive high levels of engagement, averaging 21,846 engagements per post, which is an impressive feat for an influencer.

His impressive 17.48% engagement rate is a reflection of the value his followers place on his content. Jacob’s followers are not only interested in his workout routines and yoga poses but also tune in to his life as a whole.

As a fitness and yoga influencer, Jacob is always pushing the limits of his body and challenging himself to new heights. He shares his progress with his followers, which is an effective way to motivate them to do the same.

Whether he’s practicing yoga or weight lifting, Jacob’s followers know they can count on him to deliver fresh content that will inspire them to be their best selves.

In conclusion, Jacob Delara is a popular fitness and yoga influencer on Instagram with a large following and high engagement rates.

His content resonates with his followers, who rely on him as a source of motivation and inspiration. Follow him on Instagram to see what he’s up to next!

Followers: 124,983

Engagement rate: 17.48%

Avg. engagement: 21,846

2. Makaila Peterson – @makailap

Meet Makaila Peterson, the Tempe-based fitness and yoga guru who has taken Instagram by storm. With a username of “makailap,” she boasts an impressive 3,488 followers who are entranced by her pictures and videos.

But that’s not all: her TikTok account attracts a remarkable average of 1,881 views per video, proving her influential power extends beyond one platform.

It’s easy to see why Makaila is such a success.

Her posts are filled with captivating imagery and thought-provoking captions that inspire her followers to push beyond their limits. On average, she receives 1,342 engagements on each post, a testament to the loyal following she has built over the years.

But the key to Makaila’s success isn’t just her impressive statistics – it’s the passion she infuses into each post. Whether she is sharing tips on how to improve your yoga practice or showing off her latest fitness routine, her excitement is infectious.

Her followers are drawn to her authenticity and dedication, and they can’t wait to see what she will share next.

Perhaps the most impressive statistic of all is Makaila’s engagement rate.

At a staggering 38.47%, her followers are clearly invested in her journey and are eager to join in. This impressive engagement rate sets her apart from other influencers and proves that Makaila is a force to be reckoned with.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for fitness inspiration or simply want to follow a talented and dedicated Instagram influencer, give Makaila Peterson a follow. With her impressive stats and captivating content, she is sure to inspire and motivate you on your own fitness journey.

Followers: 3,488

Engagement rate: 38.47%

Avg. engagement: 1,342

3. Dawson Coman – @biigdaws

Dawson Coman, the Instagram influencer from Tempe, is a force to be reckoned with in the fitness and yoga community. With the username biigdaws, he has managed to attract a staggering 26,857 followers, a testament to the quality of his content.

On TikTok, Dawson has an average of 1881 views per post, demonstrating his reach and ability to engage with his audience.

One of the most impressive things about Dawson is his ability to generate engagement. On average, he receives 1,192 engagements per post, a figure that is magnified by his impressive 4.44% engagement rate.

There are few influencers who can match that level of impact, which speaks volumes about the quality of Dawson’s work.

If you are looking for inspiration to help you achieve your fitness goals or want to further refine your yoga practice, then Dawson is the perfect influencer to follow.

With his expertise and dedication, he has become a shining example of what you can achieve if you work hard and are passionate about your craft. So why not start following biigdaws today and experience the benefits for yourself?

Followers: 26,857

Engagement rate: 4.44%

Avg. engagement: 1,192

In Summary:

As we come to the end of this thrilling journey through the world of fitness and yoga Instagram influencers from Tempe for 2023, it’s hard not to think about the endless possibilities and the paths these talented individuals will continue to trek upon.

With their unwavering dedication and commitment towards fitness and well-being, these influencers have proven time and again that they are the driving force behind a fitness revolution that is set to take the world by storm.

From groundbreaking workouts to innovative yoga practices, these influencers have left no stone unturned in their quest for excellence, and have emerged as the quintessential role models for anyone looking to improve their fitness.

So, whether it’s the boundless energy of our first pick or the calming presence of our second, or even the raw intensity of our third, all three of these influencers have accomplished the impossible and inspired countless others to take charge of their health and well-being.

As we bid adieu to these incredible personalities, we can only hope that we continue to see more dynamic and inspiring fitness influencers from Tempe, keeping the fire of fitness and well-being burning bright for years to come!