Discover Baton Rouge’s top 3 camera and photography influencers on Instagram in 2023 – IMAI

In the mystical world of photography, there are those with a keen eye for capturing the beauty of the world around us. They possess the rare gift of transforming an ordinary scene into an enchanting moment frozen in time.

In the year 2023, in the vibrant city of Baton Rouge, the magical community of photography enthusiasts is thriving. We’ve scoured the realm of Instagram influencers and discovered the top three summoners of light and shadow in the land.

Prepare to be transported to a realm of surrealism and wonder as we explore the captivating works of our three best camera and photography Instagram influencers in Baton Rouge.

Top 3 camera & photography Instagram influencers from Baton Rouge:

1. Trebreh Baaheth – @treshotme

Trebreh Baaheth, known as treshotme on Instagram is a Baton Rouge-based influencer who has made a name for themselves in the world of photography. With 14,777 followers on the platform and an average of 1741 views per TikTok, their stunning work has captured the attention of many.

On Instagram, Trebreh Baaheth has an impressive engagement rate of 4.24%, with an average of 627 engagements per post. It’s no surprise that their captivating images have garnered such a dedicated audience.

One only needs to glance at their Instagram feed to see the incredible talent that Trebreh Baaheth possesses. The photos are artistic, mesmerizing, and incredibly beautiful.

The photographer’s unique style and eye for detail truly shine through in each shot.

With a love for everything from landscapes to portraits, it’s clear that Trebreh Baaheth is a photographer who loves to experiment and explore.

Their work always feels fresh, and every photo tells a story.

It’s no wonder that they have become a beloved influencer within the photography community.

Anyone who appreciates the art of photography will love following treshotme on Instagram.

Followers: 14,777

Engagement rate: 4.24%

Avg. engagement: 627

2. Eric Williams – @ewill_photography

Eric Williams is a popular camera and photography influencer on Instagram, based out of Baton Rouge. With his engaging content and stunning visuals, he has amassed a devoted following of 2,902 fans on the app.

On TikTok, Eric has an average of 1741 views per post, indicating an impressive level of engagement from his audience.

Eric’s captivating photography style truly shines on his Instagram feed, which is filled with breathtaking shots that showcase his technical skill and artistic vision.

His posts also receive an average of 222 engagements per post, showcasing the deep connection that he has forged with his followers. This is reflected in his impressive 7.65% engagement rate, which is a testament to Eric’s ability to create content that truly resonates with his audience.

All in all, Eric Williams is a top-notch influencer and a true talent in the world of photography.

With his impressive social media following and knack for creating stunning visual content, it’s clear that he has a bright future ahead of him in the world of online influence.

Followers: 2,902

Engagement rate: 7.65%

Avg. engagement: 222

3. breighannephotography – @breighannephoto

Breighannephotography, also known as breighannephoto on Instagram, is an influencer hailing from Baton Rouge. With 3,964 followers on the platform, it’s clear that her artistry with a camera has caught the attention of many.

On TikTok, she averages 1,741 views per post, which is a testament to her popularity on the platform. Her posts on Instagram are equally as engaging, with an average of 159 engagements per post and a 4.01% engagement rate.

One can only imagine the stunning photos she must be sharing.

Followers: 3,964

Engagement rate: 4.01%

Avg. engagement: 159

Last words:

And there you have it! The top camera and photography Instagram influencers in Baton Rouge in 2023. Three individuals who have pushed the boundaries and redefined what it means to capture life through a lens.

Whether you’re looking to improve your own photography skills or simply admire the stunning visuals on your feed, these influencers are not to be missed.

From breathtaking landscapes to stunning portraits, these photographers capture the essence of Baton Rouge and its surrounding areas in a way that is truly magical.

Each post a work of art, each image worth a thousand words.

Their creativity knows no bounds, their passion unwavering.

They have the ability to make you see the world through different eyes, capturing moments that will stay with you long after you’ve scrolled past their profiles.

They remind us that there is beauty in the everyday, that life is full of wonder and surprise.

They inspire us to look at our surroundings with fresh eyes and to appreciate the world around us. And perhaps, most importantly, they demonstrate the power of photography to connect people, to inspire them, and to make a difference.

So, whether you’re a photography enthusiast or simply someone who appreciates a good visual story, make sure to follow these incredible influencers. They are sure to brighten up your day and make you fall in love with Baton Rouge all over again.