Discover the Best Camera & Photography Instagram Influencers of Manfredonia in 2023

Verse 1:
Capturing life, frame by frame,
Instantaneous clicks for each generation.
Manfredonia in the spotlight,
The spotlight of amazing photographers by name.

A scroll reveals their talent never wavers,
For the art of photography, three stand-out leaders.

Spotlight shining bright,
Creative excellence on the ‘gram tonight.

Discover the trinity of Manfredonia’s homegrown
Instagram stars, influencers of photographic renown.

Top 3 camera & photography Instagram influencers from Manfredonia:

1. Michele ? ?? – @castmic

Michele ? ??, a Manfredonia-based photography and camera Instagram influencer, is widely recognized for their eye-catching images and engaging TikToks. With a following of over 23,000, their TikToks enjoy on average 158,492 views each, and their Instagram posts are interacted with by 1,504 people on average, giving them a 6.49% engagement rate.

From candid shots to stunning views, Michele is sure to capture the attention of any aspiring photographer.

Followers: 23,158

Engagement rate: 6.49%

Avg. engagement: 1,504

2. Visit Manfredonia – @visitmanfredonia

Visit Manfredonia (@visitmanfredonia) is an Instagram influencer from Manfredonia, Italy, specializing in landscape photography and videography that captures the beauty of the region. They boast 4,988 followers, an average of 158,492 views per TikTok post, and 569 average engagements per post, with an 11.41% engagement rate.

This Manfredonian gem has captivated viewers with their stunning visuals and continually growing prowess!

Followers: 4,988

Engagement rate: 11.41%

Avg. engagement: 569

3. Panzaria – @panzariaporto

Panzaria (@panzariaporto) is a Manfredonia-based photographer and TikToker specializing in camera and photography. With 3,127 followers and an average of 158,492 views per TikTok, their posts reach a wide audience with a 17.78% engagement rate, including an average of 556 engagements per post.

From stunning wildlife photos to creative video tutorials, Panzariaporto is a great source of knowledge and inspiration for any aspiring photographer or camera enthusiast.

Followers: 3,127

Engagement rate: 17.78%

Avg. engagement: 556

The Long and Short of It:

The great thing about Manfredonia and its photography scene is that there will always be fresh talent and ground-breaking ideas and projects. From the 3 top photography and camera influencers we discussed, it’s clear that there is a bright and vibrant scene that is sure to thrive into the future.

As the industry evolves, these influencers will continue to share their expertise and passion for the craft and inspire a new generation of photographers in the area. Thanks for joining us!