Discover the Top 3 Trendsetting Healthy Lifestyle Instagram Influencers in Cuiaba for 2023 – IMAI

Cuiabá, the capital of Mato Grosso, Brazil, is home to some of the most influential Instagram influencers in the healthy lifestyle scene. From inspiring workout routines to delicious plant-based recipes, these influencers are revolutionizing the way people look at their health and wellbeing.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the three hottest healthy lifestyle Instagram influencers in Cuiabá, with insider tips on how they maintain their fit and fabulous lifestyles. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and transformed!

Top 3 healthy lifestyle Instagram influencers from Cuiabá:

1. Juliana Reis? – @julianareisnutri

Juliana Reis, an Instagram influencer from Cuiabá, has captured the attention of over 17,000 followers on the platform with her focus on healthy living. Through her account julianareisnutri, she has garnered an average of 14,170 views per TikTok video, while her posts have garnered an average of 408 engagements, translating to a 2.37% engagement rate.

This only underscores her influence on the platform and her ability to engage her followers. One thing is certain; Juliana Reis is making it cool to be healthy, and her growing following is proof of that.

Followers: 17,251

Engagement rate: 2.37%

Avg. engagement: 408

2. Raposa Vegana – Cuiabá MT – @raposavegana

Raposa Vegana from Cuiabá, MT is a health lifestyle influencer with a unique username raposavegana. Having amassed a following of 5,932 on Instagram and 14170 on TikTok with an average engagement rate of 2.68%, Raposa Vegana is making waves in the world of healthy living. With an average of 159 engagements per post, the content is clearly resonating with their audience.

It’s interesting to note that their TikTok views are quite high compared to Instagram followers, indicating a potential opportunity for growth on that platform. Presented as a unique voice in the space of healthy living, Raposa Vegana seems to have found a sweet spot in delivering health and wellness content that truly resonates with their audience.

Followers: 5,932

Engagement rate: 2.68%

Avg. engagement: 159

3. Carla ❤ Jorge Ramos – @jorgecarlaramos

Carla ❤ Jorge Ramos is a Cuiabá-based Instagram influencer who promotes a healthy lifestyle. Her username is jorgecarlaramos and she has 1,941 followers on the platform.

She is also active on TikTok where she garners an average of 14,170 views per post. Additionally, her posts receive an average of 63 engagements and a 3.25% engagement rate.

Her content is informative and engaging, and shows how Carla ❤ Jorge Ramos is a credible source of information on leading a healthy lifestyle.

Followers: 1,941

Engagement rate: 3.25%

Avg. engagement: 63


In conclusion, these 3 hottest healthy lifestyle Instagram influencers in Cuiabá are not just random people posing in front of a camera. They are the embodiment of vitality, grace, and discipline.

They inspire us to make better choices, to embrace a healthier lifestyle, and to never give up on our dreams.

Their vibrant feeds showcase everything from vegan recipes to yoga poses, from inspirational quotes to fitness tips.

They are more than just Instagrammers. They are role models, change makers, and champions of wellness.

If you’re looking for some extra motivation to keep up with your fitness goals or simply want to surround yourself with positivity and inspiration, then follow these powerhouses. I promise you won’t regret it.

So, what are you waiting for? Let these influencers take you on a journey to a better and healthier you. Follow their lead, embrace their wisdom, and let their love for fitness and health become your new lifestyle.

Thanks for reading, and see you on Instagram!