Sulaymaniyah’s Top 3 Art & Design Instagram Influencers Who Are Taking Over in 2023 – IMAI

Sulaymaniyah, the cultural hub of Iraqi Kurdistan, is a city where art and design meet to create captivating and unique content. In the midst of this bustling scene, there are three influencers on Instagram who are making waves and gaining popularity with their captivating content.

These top influencers are pushing boundaries and redefining what it means to be a creative in Sulaymaniyah, and their work is sure to inspire anyone interested in art and design. In this blog post, we will be exploring the top three most engaging art and design Instagram influencers of Sulaymaniyah for 2023.

From their awe-inspiring works of art to their insightful creative processes, these creators will take you on a journey through the colorful world of Sulaymaniyah’s art and design scene. So grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and get ready to be inspired by these talented individuals!

Top 3 art & design Instagram influencers from Sulaymaniyah:

1. Artist✨? – @bedoor_art94

Meet the prolific Instagram influencer from Sulaymaniyah, Artist✨?, who goes by the username bedoor_art94. With 24,921 followers, she has taken the social media world by storm, building an impressive following based on her unique art and design skills. Not only is she widely popular on Instagram, but she also has an impressive TikTok following with an average of 64,891 views per post.

Her art and design posts are highly engaging, with an average of 7,722 engagements per post and a staggering 30.99% engagement rate. What’s more, her posts often feature bursts of vibrant colors and innovative designs, which are sure to catch the attention of art enthusiasts and casual viewers alike.

It’s easy to see why she is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after Instagram influencers in the region. So, follow Artist✨? and explore her inspiring art to get your daily dose of creative inspiration.

Followers: 24,921

Engagement rate: 30.99%

Avg. engagement: 7,722

2. عبدالله ميثم – رسَّام كاريكاتير ?? – @krow_s

عبدالله ميثم – رسَّام كاريكاتير ??, who is known on Instagram by his username krow_s, is an incredibly talented Iraqi artist and design influencer based out of Sulaymaniyah. With over 114,610 followers, he has built a strong and dedicated online following over the years.

His popularity isn’t limited to Instagram either, with an impressive 64891 average views per Tiktok video, showing his ability to connect with a broader audience.

At the heart of his popularity is his exceptional artistic ability, with each post showcasing his versatility, talent, and creativity.

Through his posts, he engages with his followers, consistently providing unique and compelling content. It’s no wonder he has an average engagement per post of 5,138, and an impressive engagement rate of 4.48%.

Krow_s has honed his craft over the years, perfecting his style in order to create artwork that is both captivating and meaningful.

His ability to convey complex ideas through his art has solidified his reputation as one of the most influential artists in the region. Whether he’s working on a new piece or collaborating with other artists, Krow_s is always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, inspiring others to do the same.

In summary, Krow_s is an inspiring artist and design influencer who has captured the attention of thousands with his unique take on art. His impressive following on Instagram and Tiktok is a testament to his talent and his ability to connect with a broad audience.

The future is bright for Krow_s, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us next.

Followers: 114,610

Engagement rate: 4.48%

Avg. engagement: 5,138

3. Dunya sameer –

Dunya Sameer is a renowned Instagram influencer hailing from Sulaymaniyah with the username With a staggering 40,912 Followers, Dunya Sameer is a force to be reckoned with in the art & design world. Her TikTok videos are a hit too, boasting an average of 64891 views per video.

What’s more, her posts get an average of 4,527 engagements, and an incredible 11.07% engagement rate- a testament to her unique and stunning content. It’s no wonder she has a loyal following who eagerly await her next masterpiece.

Followers: 40,912

Engagement rate: 11.07%

Avg. engagement: 4,527


In conclusion, there’s no denying that Sulaymaniyah’s art and design scene is thriving, and these three Instagram influencers are proof of that. Through their unique styles, captivating content, and engaging personalities, they have managed to amass a significant following and make a name for themselves in the industry.

It’s clear that in 2023, there’s a growing demand for creativity and innovation in the world of art and design. Social media platforms like Instagram provide the perfect platform for artists and designers to showcase their work and connect with their audience.

And these influencers are doing just that – inspiring and captivating their followers with their creative talent, eye for detail, and unique perspectives.

Whether you’re an aspiring artist or just someone who admires the beauty of art and design, make sure to give these top three Sulaymaniyah influencers a follow.

You won’t be disappointed with the endless stream of creativity and inspiration that they bring to your feed. So buckle up and get ready to be blown away by the magnificent talent of these artists.

Until next time, keep creating and stay inspired!