How to Easily Spot Fake Followers on Instagram in 2023

If you manage an Instagram account for your business or personal brand, it’s important to have an accurate assessment of your followers at all times in order to judge your reach, engagement, and progress. Specifically, this means being able to differentiate between organic and fake followers on your Instagram account.



Check fake followers Instagram tool

Fake followers on Instagram – generally, accounts created by technology to follow other accounts and increase their numbers – can have various implications for the success of your brand. Not only can it give a skewed view of the progress your business is making on this platform, but it can also lead to misunderstandings with your customer or fan base.

Thankfully, there is a simple solution to this problem: a ‘check fake followers Instagram tool’. This tool is capable of doing an in-depth scan of your followers to determine whether or not there are any suspicious accounts that could be considered fake followers.

Using this tool has several benefits for your business or brand. Firstly, it will help you to identify the exact number of followers that are genuinely interested in your business, which in turn means you will be able to focus on connecting with them and understanding their needs better. Secondly, it removes the fear of unknowingly reaching out to a non-existent audience, which can damage your credibility and reputation.

So if you manage an Instagram account, we strongly recommend looking into using a ‘check fake followers Instagram tool’ as a way of maintaining the authenticity of your followers and taking your brand’s Instagram presence to the next level.



Tips to spot fake followers on Instagram

1. Look at the date of the accounts first post. Fake accounts often have a single post from the day they were created.

2. Check the accounts engagement rate. If the ratio of likes to followers is unusually low, it could indicate fake followers.

3. Look at the quality of the posts. Fake accounts often post generic or irrelevant content with little effort put into quality.

4. Look at the accounts followers. Fake accounts often have a high proportion of followers with incomplete or suspiciouslooking profiles.

5. Look at the accounts bio. Fake accounts may have a vague bio or contain a lot of spammy links.

6. Look at the accounts interactions. Fake accounts often only interact with other fake accounts.



Use Imai to find Instagram influencers easily



Imai is an online platform that helps to identify influencers across all social media channels, including Instagram. It enables marketers to quickly and efficiently search for influencers in their target market who can create high-engaging content.

1. Set up your Imai account: Start by creating a free account on Imais website. You will have to provide a valid email address, a username, and a password.

2. Provide information about your target market: To find the best influencers to work with, you need to provide basic details about your target market (age, gender, interests, location, etc.).

3. Search for influencers based on your requirements: Imai has an intuitive dashboard where you can search and filter influencers by key metrics such as the number of followers, engagement rate, influence in your market, and more.

4. Get insights about potential influencers: Imai allows you to get detailed insights about influencers including their posts, interactions, and more so that you can make an informed decision about who to work with.

5. Determine influencers to work with: After careful evaluation, select the influencers that best meet your requirements and are the most suited to represent your brand on Instagram.

6. Contact influencers: You can contact the influencers directly via Imai to discuss collaboration.


Frequently asked questions about Instagram fake followers

Q: What are Instagram Fake Followers?

A: Instagram fake followers are accounts that are created to falsely inflate a user‘s follower count. These accounts typically have no profile picture or post their own content, and are created solely to artificially increase a user‘s follower count.

Q: Why would someone buy fake followers?

A: Some users buy fake followers in an attempt to increase their social media presence or to appear more popular with their followers. This is unethical and can ultimately lead to being banned from the platform.

Q: Is it illegal to purchase fake followers?

A: Yes, it is illegal to purchase fake followers. Instagram has a zerotolerance policy for fake followers and accounts, and users caught doing this may face suspension or termination from the platform.

Q: What are the risks of buying fake followers?

A: Buying fake followers can damage a user‘s reputation, compromise their brand image, and even lead to legal issues. Furthermore, if Instagram discovers a user is buying fake followers, the user may be banned from the platform.